It is with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty of what the future holds that we reach the end of 2021. Much was experienced and learnt during the last year about the COVID-19 pandemic and as the past few days’ events have shown, COVID-19 is still very much a reality and it influences travelling decisions directly.
We do not know when then the pandemic will be over, what will happen with the recently re-instated travel bans and how soon there will be more scientifically proven information regarding the recently discovered new variant.
What we do know is that it is still safe to travel to Paarl and Wellington and we welcome all tourists and visitors to explore and enjoy the various fun things in our region with open arms!
Heading out to Paarl and Wellington this holiday season will be much needed food for the soul, especially if you take time to explore some of the lesser-known spots, discover new offerings at familiar destinations and re-discover old tourism attractions in a new way.
Our destinations are renowned for their gracious and warm hospitality, unparalleled scenic beauty, wide open spaces, and array of outdoor tourism attractions.
These factors – our wide-open spaces and natural and scenic surroundings, contribute to safe travel choices during the pandemic. The various wine estates, restaurants and tourist attractions have enough space to comfortably allow social distancing, while product owners are highly aware of COVID protocols and promote strict adherence to the guidelines.

The World Travel Tourism Council (WTCC) issued Paarl and Wellington with their ‘Safe Travels’ approval in 2020 and this means that the two destinations adhere to the strict guidelines and protocols set by the global industry representative. Travelers can visit our region and its tourism attractions with confidence.
The implementation of these protocols has ensured that people feel safe to travel, although safety cannot be 100% guaranteed. Our businesses have provided safe tourism products, venues, and establishments by the implementation of these globally benchmarked health and safety protocols. The importance of compulsory wearing of masks, maintaining social distance and the sanitizing of hands are still being adhered to.

Paarl and Wellington are committed to remain preferred safe travel destinations during the upcoming holiday season and we welcome visitors and tourists to our destinations and get in the spirit for active and outdoor adventures. Visitors can also unwind with al-fresco dining options and enjoy the ritual of sipping on a glass of wine at their world-renowned wine estates. Our richness in culture and history makes for exciting and unique experiences.
Book your stay in Paarl and Wellington – our close location to Cape Town and other coastal towns makes us ideal destinations to experience an abundance of warm and safe summer hospitality!
For more information on things to do, see, eat, drink, and where to stay visit